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A Private Last Dance

Dec 19, 2023

2 min read



Rising in popularity, and for good reason, a private last dance is where the final song played by the DJ is for the couple alone to dance to, usually without any witnesses. It’s usually an incredibly romantic moment and filled with so many emotions from the day. Here are some reasons why you should consider it:


1.     Creating an Intimate Moment

In the hustle and bustle of your wedding day, finding time alone together can be a challenge. Many couples have later regretted spending so little time with just their partner. A private dance schedules in a moment exclusively for you and your partner, allowing you to share that intimate moment.


2.     Basking in the Day’s Emotions

Wedding can be exceptionally emotional, and a last dance offers you a chance to hold each other close and feel all the emotions from the day together. It is a specia l moment that allows you to truly savour the day you had together and the lifetime to come.


3.     An Alternative to the First Dance

For couples who may feel nervous about dancing in front of a crowd during a first dance, a private last dance serves as a wonderful alternative. Free from the eyes of others, you can dance freely and express your love with no reservations.


4.     Seizing the Full Day

More and more couples are choosing to maximise their wedding day and are often the last people there. A last dance allows you to enjoy a moment, where there may be fewer guests, guilt-free and pack more of those treasured moments into the day.


5.     Preparation for a Final Send-Off

A last dance also has a practical benefit as it allows you and your guests to seamlessly prepare for a final send-off (if you are having one). Whilst you dance, your guests can line up and prepare to send you off as a happily married couple.


6.     Capturing Dreamy Images

With only the two of you on the dance floor, or possibly in the room, a last dance allows for some incredibly romantic photography. These photos showcase not only your connection but also so many other emotions you will be feeling from the day.

Dec 19, 2023

2 min read



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